onsdag 24. desember 2008
søndag 30. november 2008
Så Hege utfordrer meg til å skrive mine 7 mørkeste hemmeligheter.. DA--DA--DAAAA!!! Hmm.. Jeg tror egentlig ikke at jeg har så mange hemmeligheter.. Men jeg prøver fordet^^
1. Jeg kan alle de gamle Britney Spears låtene, og Backstreet Boys låtene.. (Please don't kill me..)
2. Jeg elsker biler og adrenalinkicket jeg får når noen kjører fort.
3. Jeg sucker i norsk (kanskje ikke en mørk hemmelighet lenger xD)
4. Jeg kan løse Rubiks kube på 5 minutter
5. Liker å skille meg ut
6. Synger ofte ting jeg finner på og akkompagnerer med piano eller gitar selv om jeg ikke kan spille noen av dem.. xD
7. Jeg forteller verdens verste historier
Vel, jeg får følge tradisjonen og utfordre to stykker.. Det blir.. *trommevirveeel* .. Guro og Thea!
Vel, det er to Thea'er, men jeg utfordrer begge to! Woho, kontroversiell xD
1. Jeg kan alle de gamle Britney Spears låtene, og Backstreet Boys låtene.. (Please don't kill me..)
2. Jeg elsker biler og adrenalinkicket jeg får når noen kjører fort.
3. Jeg sucker i norsk (kanskje ikke en mørk hemmelighet lenger xD)
4. Jeg kan løse Rubiks kube på 5 minutter
5. Liker å skille meg ut
6. Synger ofte ting jeg finner på og akkompagnerer med piano eller gitar selv om jeg ikke kan spille noen av dem.. xD
7. Jeg forteller verdens verste historier
Vel, jeg får følge tradisjonen og utfordre to stykker.. Det blir.. *trommevirveeel* .. Guro og Thea!
Vel, det er to Thea'er, men jeg utfordrer begge to! Woho, kontroversiell xD
Regn! :(
Jeg stod opp på lørdag, det snødde, går på jobb, det sludder så mye at jeg ikke ser. Går hjem, det REGNER og jeg drukner. Så, på søndag er det syyykt glatt! Jeg liekr ikke sånt vær. Snæ eller ikke snø, enkelt og greit. Selv om akkurat nå ser det litt pent ut^^
Men lørdag var en kos dag fordet! På jobben hadde vi fått inn noe som heter "The [Original] String Doll Gang". GENIALT! Det er små "dukker" laget i ett stykke hyssing. Mega-søte, og kommer med navn og slagord for hver enkelt^^ Dårlig bilde, I know..
Anyways, dette er:
Regn! :(
Jeg stod opp på lørdag, det snødde, går på jobb, det sludder så mye at jeg ikke ser. Går hjem, det REGNER og jeg drukner. Så, på søndag er det syyykt glatt! Jeg liekr ikke sånt vær. Snæ eller ikke snø, enkelt og greit. Selv om akkurat nå ser det litt pent ut^^
Men lørdag var en kos dag fordet! På jobben hadde vi fått inn noe som heter "The [Original] String Doll Gang". GENIALT! Det er små "dukker" laget i ett stykke hyssing. Mega-søte, og kommer med navn og slagord for hver enkelt^^ Dårlig bilde, I know..
Anyways, dette er:
Little Frank---Crazy Eyes---Moody Cow
søndag 9. november 2008
Hoho, han vant^^
Fredag var stress, men gøy. Først var jeg på skolen, så på jobb, så på konsert og så på Pysj-cup, hvor vi spilte volleyball hele natta. Igår var armene mine døde og bena verket. Men, pysj-cup er alltid gøy. Møtte masse folk jeg ikke hadde sett på en stund^^
På konserten møtte jeg Nicolay, som gav meg masse Madrugada-plater å høre på.
"Try to make it real, try something I can feel
I try to make it real, try something I can feel.."
- We are go - Madrugada
Fredag var stress, men gøy. Først var jeg på skolen, så på jobb, så på konsert og så på Pysj-cup, hvor vi spilte volleyball hele natta. Igår var armene mine døde og bena verket. Men, pysj-cup er alltid gøy. Møtte masse folk jeg ikke hadde sett på en stund^^
På konserten møtte jeg Nicolay, som gav meg masse Madrugada-plater å høre på.
"Try to make it real, try something I can feel
I try to make it real, try something I can feel.."
- We are go - Madrugada
tirsdag 4. november 2008
Så venter vi i spenning på utslaget av valget. Jeg håper ihvertfal det blir Obama. Hvis McCain vinner tror jeg at verden går til helvete. Han er bare en ny Bush, enda en som vil støtte krigen. Idioter, rett og slett.. Blah.
Idag gjorde jeg ferdig lua mi! :D Nå har den en stor dusk og passer hodet mitt. xD weee
Idag gjorde jeg ferdig lua mi! :D Nå har den en stor dusk og passer hodet mitt. xD weee
onsdag 29. oktober 2008
Snø og annet
Guess what? SNØ!
Vinter? Neeh.. xD
Anyways, idag var en kos dag^^ Pia, Marit, en som heter Sindre og jeg dro på kino i Sandvika etter skolen.
Snøen gjorde meg faktisk glad, noe som aldri har skjedd før. Nå er faktisk den eneste tingen som gjør meg skeptisk til snøen er at jeg må stå på ski på den.. Jeg syns at det er idiotisk at lærerne ser på det som en selvfølge at alle elever har ski og kan gå på dem. Meg = ingen av delene. Jeg vet at jeg er en sucky nordmann, men har ikke Norge forandret seg noe i løpet av det forrige århundre?
Uansett blir det kos å gå til skolen imorgen med musikk ++. Just like old times, eller 1.klasse. Kall det hva du vil^^
Vinter? Neeh.. xD
Anyways, idag var en kos dag^^ Pia, Marit, en som heter Sindre og jeg dro på kino i Sandvika etter skolen.
Snøen gjorde meg faktisk glad, noe som aldri har skjedd før. Nå er faktisk den eneste tingen som gjør meg skeptisk til snøen er at jeg må stå på ski på den.. Jeg syns at det er idiotisk at lærerne ser på det som en selvfølge at alle elever har ski og kan gå på dem. Meg = ingen av delene. Jeg vet at jeg er en sucky nordmann, men har ikke Norge forandret seg noe i løpet av det forrige århundre?
Uansett blir det kos å gå til skolen imorgen med musikk ++. Just like old times, eller 1.klasse. Kall det hva du vil^^
tirsdag 28. oktober 2008
Rim på vinduene
Jeg har på meg to par ullsokker og to gensere og jeg fryser..
Imorges var det rim rundt på vinduet og i gresset. Og minusgrader.. Hmm, tror det begynner å gå mot vinter...
Idag takket jeg ja til invitasjon om sesjon i militæret. Noen som kan se for seg meg i militæret? Trodde ikke det, nei.. xD Blir sikkert gøy uansett^^
Gruer meg til jeg ikke kan sykle lenger, for da kommer jeg aldri til å rekke skolen i tide.. :P
Jeg har på meg to par ullsokker og to gensere og jeg fryser..
Imorges var det rim rundt på vinduet og i gresset. Og minusgrader.. Hmm, tror det begynner å gå mot vinter...
Idag takket jeg ja til invitasjon om sesjon i militæret. Noen som kan se for seg meg i militæret? Trodde ikke det, nei.. xD Blir sikkert gøy uansett^^
Gruer meg til jeg ikke kan sykle lenger, for da kommer jeg aldri til å rekke skolen i tide.. :P
torsdag 23. oktober 2008
skole? syk? nei takk, ingen av delene.
Den Soga om Gunnlaug Ormstunge tingen skulle jeg ha lest ferdig for en stund siden.. Jeg skulle også ha gjort fysikken og kjemien. Men neida.. Idag sovnet jeg nesten i historie. Jeg hater å bli så trøtt at jeg ikke klarer å tvinge øynene til å være åpne engang.
Slit å være syk, jeg har liksom ikke noe ekstra energi.. Jeg vil bli frisk NÅ! >.<
Tenk så herlig å ha skolefri nå. Slippe å gå til skolen mens veilysene fortsatt er på fordi det er så mørkt. weee
Imorgen er det skole, så jobb, så bursdag. Yey, Christine er 17! :D
Lørdag er det jobb.
Søndag må jeg antakeligvis stå opp tidlig for å øvelseskjøre. Men hvis ikke, YEY, jeg kan sove lenge. Også kanskje show (eller noe sånt?) i asker.
Håper folk får en fin helg..^^
Den Soga om Gunnlaug Ormstunge tingen skulle jeg ha lest ferdig for en stund siden.. Jeg skulle også ha gjort fysikken og kjemien. Men neida.. Idag sovnet jeg nesten i historie. Jeg hater å bli så trøtt at jeg ikke klarer å tvinge øynene til å være åpne engang.
Slit å være syk, jeg har liksom ikke noe ekstra energi.. Jeg vil bli frisk NÅ! >.<
Tenk så herlig å ha skolefri nå. Slippe å gå til skolen mens veilysene fortsatt er på fordi det er så mørkt. weee
Imorgen er det skole, så jobb, så bursdag. Yey, Christine er 17! :D
Lørdag er det jobb.
Søndag må jeg antakeligvis stå opp tidlig for å øvelseskjøre. Men hvis ikke, YEY, jeg kan sove lenge. Også kanskje show (eller noe sånt?) i asker.
Håper folk får en fin helg..^^
søndag 19. oktober 2008
lørdag 18. oktober 2008
onsdag 15. oktober 2008
Idag var jeg så kald på beina at jeg gikk og satte meg på badet med beina under teppet. For der var det godt og varmt.. Når jeg får eget hus skal jeg ha varme i alle gulvene (:
Neida, ikke naiv i det hele tatt^^
Neida, ikke naiv i det hele tatt^^
mandag 13. oktober 2008
Hoho, da har jeg igjen gått over i lese-bøker-modus. Dette betyr mindre musikk, mer bøker. Vel, det har vel ikke blitt mindre musikk, men mer bøker.
Akkurat nå står valget mellom "Soga om Gunnlaug Ormstunge"(norskoppgave) eller Deception Point. What a tough choice..
Jeg leste en samling av noveller som Stephen King hadde skrevet på 70-tallet. Eller, jeg hadde lest en som heter Cell først, som jeg ble så skremt av at jeg trodde jeg skulle få mareritt. Den likte jeg. (: Night Shift, som samlingen het, var derimot kjedelig og gav kortvarig glede, fordi den hadde spenningsmomenter. Håper Deception Point er bra, har lest alle de andre bøkene av Dan Brown, han skriver så bra^^ Hmmm, tenkte jeg skulle skrive en liste over favorittforfattere mine med det samme jeg :D
Here it comes:
- Khaled Hosseini - The kite runner osv.
- Dan Brown
- Stephen King - så lenge det ikke er noveller
- Anne Ch. Østby
- Carolyn Keene - jeg kan ikke noe for det, er en Nancy Drew fanatiker(a)
"Those books you've read in your youth,
like holidays at home
continue to remind you
of who you were
and who you are.."
- Use your words - Unknown
Akkurat nå står valget mellom "Soga om Gunnlaug Ormstunge"(norskoppgave) eller Deception Point. What a tough choice..
Jeg leste en samling av noveller som Stephen King hadde skrevet på 70-tallet. Eller, jeg hadde lest en som heter Cell først, som jeg ble så skremt av at jeg trodde jeg skulle få mareritt. Den likte jeg. (: Night Shift, som samlingen het, var derimot kjedelig og gav kortvarig glede, fordi den hadde spenningsmomenter. Håper Deception Point er bra, har lest alle de andre bøkene av Dan Brown, han skriver så bra^^ Hmmm, tenkte jeg skulle skrive en liste over favorittforfattere mine med det samme jeg :D
Here it comes:
- Khaled Hosseini - The kite runner osv.
- Dan Brown
- Stephen King - så lenge det ikke er noveller
- Anne Ch. Østby
- Carolyn Keene - jeg kan ikke noe for det, er en Nancy Drew fanatiker(a)
"Those books you've read in your youth,
like holidays at home
continue to remind you
of who you were
and who you are.."
- Use your words - Unknown
lørdag 11. oktober 2008
Hun er så jævelig skrudd..
Hvordan kan hun gjøre noe sånt mot ham? Hun elsket ham jo en gang.. Jeg blir så sur at jeg får lyst til å gråte.. Hva FAEN er problemet hennes?!?! Jeg visste ikke at det fantes så ondskapsfulle og manipulerende mennesker i verden. Det verste er at hun antakeligvis kommer til å være der leenge.. Jeg kan jo ikke bare stenge henne ute siden hun nesten er familie.. Jeg vet bare ikke hva jeg kommer til å gjøre neste gang jeg ser henne.. Jeg har ikke sett henne siden jul, og da var hun ikke sånn.. Litt av en midtlivskrise. Jeg håper hun angrer seg og vil ha alt tilbake og han ender opp med å knuse hjertet hennes. Hun fortjener ikke noe annet, hun fortjener ikke oppmerksomhet engang, jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor jeg bryr meg.. Men det har med familien å gjøre, derfor bryr jeg meg. Hun ødelegger andre mennesker, derfor bryr jeg meg..
Fy faen, hun er så jævelig skrudd i hodet. Eller, som noen sier: "mangler ett par skruer"..
Fy faen, hun er så jævelig skrudd i hodet. Eller, som noen sier: "mangler ett par skruer"..
tirsdag 7. oktober 2008
Saa var jeg tilbake til kalde Norge, tilbake paa skolebenken. Blitt syk og greier. Saa skriver jeg paa iPoden min som ikke har norske bokstaver^^
Alt er teit, samtidig er alt greit.. Var paa Tensing igaar, har savnet folket utrolig! (:
ellers er det folk som jeg ikke har snakket med siden 3. som legger mwg til paa Facebook. Jeg husker ikke halvparten engang..(a)
Kos dere i "høst" *kremt-vinter-kremt*-vaeret.
torsdag 2. oktober 2008
Forandring fryder
tirsdag 30. september 2008
Jeg har verdens største blåmerke.. Jeg "datt" ut av senga mi på lørdag og nå har jeg et svært blåmerke, så det ser ut som om noen har mishandlet meg.. xD
Men uansett, nå er jeg i Spania. Det er 27 grader og ingen skyer, noe litt annet enn de 8 gradene det visstnok er hjemme.
Kom nettopp opp fra bassenget hvor jeg svømte over en kilometer. Nå føler jeg meg sporty^^
Yey! :D
Men uansett, nå er jeg i Spania. Det er 27 grader og ingen skyer, noe litt annet enn de 8 gradene det visstnok er hjemme.
Kom nettopp opp fra bassenget hvor jeg svømte over en kilometer. Nå føler jeg meg sporty^^
Yey! :D
fredag 26. september 2008
Skummel dame
Jeg jobber i en bokhandel. Ja, veldig gøy.. x)
Idag kom det en dame inn i butikken en halvtime før vi stengte og spurte om vi hadde kristne bøker. Hun jeg jobbet med forsvant for å lete litt, men jeg ble stående og hun begynte å snakke til meg. Tabbe nr.1. Hun hadde hatt alle slags merkelige opplevelser hvor hun hadde blitt møtt av jesus og den hellige ånd og fått bønnesvar. Jeg nikket pent og smilte tilbake. Tabbe nr.2.
Hun stod og forkynnet i en heeel time før jeg sa at vi hadde stengt for en halv time siden og at hun nesten måtte gå nå. Hun skremte meg. Hun er den skumleste personen jeg noen gang har snakket med. Jeg så henne på Meny etterpå og løp og gjemte meg, så redd ble jeg.
Jeg kommer til å havne i helvete forresten, for jeg har ikke noe imot homofile prester...
Idag kom det en dame inn i butikken en halvtime før vi stengte og spurte om vi hadde kristne bøker. Hun jeg jobbet med forsvant for å lete litt, men jeg ble stående og hun begynte å snakke til meg. Tabbe nr.1. Hun hadde hatt alle slags merkelige opplevelser hvor hun hadde blitt møtt av jesus og den hellige ånd og fått bønnesvar. Jeg nikket pent og smilte tilbake. Tabbe nr.2.
Hun stod og forkynnet i en heeel time før jeg sa at vi hadde stengt for en halv time siden og at hun nesten måtte gå nå. Hun skremte meg. Hun er den skumleste personen jeg noen gang har snakket med. Jeg så henne på Meny etterpå og løp og gjemte meg, så redd ble jeg.
Jeg kommer til å havne i helvete forresten, for jeg har ikke noe imot homofile prester...
tirsdag 16. september 2008
So when did everything get so complicated? I always seem to get back to that one sentence. Lately I've been so stressed out, I've missed school and come in late for work. Mostly cause I haven't been able to get up in the morning. Its all gotten worse and worse. All I really want to do is sit down, have a few drinks with some friends and listen to music. But my friends are all mad at me cause I haven't had the time to meet them or talk to them.. This weekend was gonna be relaxing ect., instead, I see now, that it's gona be another stressed out weekend. Again.
I don't like people going to places they shouldn't be when they do either. It's really annoying. Blah, I'm in a bad mood today.. And a math-test tomorrow doesn't make it better..
"As I watch the setting sun
I wonder if I'm the only one"
Teddy Geiger - These Walls
I don't like people going to places they shouldn't be when they do either. It's really annoying. Blah, I'm in a bad mood today.. And a math-test tomorrow doesn't make it better..
"As I watch the setting sun
I wonder if I'm the only one"
Teddy Geiger - These Walls
torsdag 4. september 2008
Boring schoolday..
We don't have internet at home! AND it's raining. Blah. That sucks..
So on Friday I start work. I'm not exactly looking forward to it, cause I think I'm gonna screw up alot. But I get a pay-check at the end of the month. Yay! So worth it. :P
Right now, I'm in my history-class, eating a cinnamon-bun. yummy^^ My teachers talking about the roman days, wow, realy boring, but again, interesting. Yeah,. I'm confusing^^ I love history, but my history teacher is incredibly boring.
Maybe I should pay attention? hmm... Anyways.. The guys that made Kommisjonen have started making a new show! Yay! It's called "Misjonen med Atle Antonsen og Johan Golden". Gotta love it.
So on Friday I start work. I'm not exactly looking forward to it, cause I think I'm gonna screw up alot. But I get a pay-check at the end of the month. Yay! So worth it. :P
Right now, I'm in my history-class, eating a cinnamon-bun. yummy^^ My teachers talking about the roman days, wow, realy boring, but again, interesting. Yeah,. I'm confusing^^ I love history, but my history teacher is incredibly boring.
Maybe I should pay attention? hmm... Anyways.. The guys that made Kommisjonen have started making a new show! Yay! It's called "Misjonen med Atle Antonsen og Johan Golden". Gotta love it.
torsdag 28. august 2008
Digg dag
Idag har vært en digg dag. Slutta tidlig, dro til Nesbru, sa ifra at jeg "ikke er en elev ved denne skolen", møtte gamle kjente, dro til sandvika, så på en utrolig rar "Karnevalparade" med SFO-unger. Var en tur på Helgerudgården. Hvordan kan det som var Sandvikas største kjøpesenter før, ikke ha doer? Ærlig talt, én do på hele jævla stedet. Bra gjort. Ellers har jeg lest ut en bok, ett par blogger, lært meg Life is Wonderful på gitar og hørt på mye musikk. Fått webkamera på pcen til å funke også. Utrolig deilig. Det må bli flere sånne dager hvor alt jeg egentlig gjør er å slappe av. Nam^^
Jeg skifta på bussen. Jeg kjøpte meg en ny topp og ville gå med den. Midt i skiftingen er det en som setter seg på bussraden ved siden av meg. Og stirrer. Merkelige mennesker man møter i verden. Det må han ha tenkt også mens jeg dro toppen min av beina mine. Det er gøy å se rar ut.
Så satt jeg der. Med kaffe og musikk. Nam^^
Det gikk ikke opp for meg før nå at jeg skrev norsk. Hvorfor skjer det med meg hele tiden? Og bare for å ha sagt det, bokmål og ny-norsk er IKKE det samme. Aargh, utrolig irriterende, jeg liker ikke norsk. Eller, jeg liker ikke FAGET norsk. Hvorfor skal jeg bli bedømt i noe jeg er utrolig dårlig i? Urettferdig skolesystem, men det vet vel de fleste fra før av.
Nå skal jeg gå å sette meg med musikken min, spille Life is wonderful på gitar og slappe av.. Eller sove. Spørs om jeg er trøtt eller ikke.
Wow, jeg må kutte ned på koffeinen.
Jeg skifta på bussen. Jeg kjøpte meg en ny topp og ville gå med den. Midt i skiftingen er det en som setter seg på bussraden ved siden av meg. Og stirrer. Merkelige mennesker man møter i verden. Det må han ha tenkt også mens jeg dro toppen min av beina mine. Det er gøy å se rar ut.
Så satt jeg der. Med kaffe og musikk. Nam^^
Det gikk ikke opp for meg før nå at jeg skrev norsk. Hvorfor skjer det med meg hele tiden? Og bare for å ha sagt det, bokmål og ny-norsk er IKKE det samme. Aargh, utrolig irriterende, jeg liker ikke norsk. Eller, jeg liker ikke FAGET norsk. Hvorfor skal jeg bli bedømt i noe jeg er utrolig dårlig i? Urettferdig skolesystem, men det vet vel de fleste fra før av.
Nå skal jeg gå å sette meg med musikken min, spille Life is wonderful på gitar og slappe av.. Eller sove. Spørs om jeg er trøtt eller ikke.
Wow, jeg må kutte ned på koffeinen.
tirsdag 26. august 2008
Questions are hard to answer
How do you mess up your education?
Why do parents pressure their kids so fucking much?
Which came first, the hen or the egg?
The last question took me less than 5 minutes to figure out. I don't see how people can call it a question without an answer. It's too simple. Anyone who's had sophmore biology can figure it out. The others are harder.
Today I had PE for the first time since school started. I had alot of fun and my teacher told me that, if I just kept on going and did well on tests, I could pull my grade up. Later, me and my friend went to the gym and worked out for 2 hours. I was so happy and had more energy than in a long time. When I got home, I told my dad about my PE-class. The first thing he said was, nice to see you make an effort. I worked so hard last year, but couldn't get my grade up. His comment brought me right down from my energy-boost. That kind of thing annoys me. Why can't he be supportive instead of critizizing? Blaah.
Otherwise, I've been double-booked for schools. I keep getting mails from teachers at another school. And, of course, I can't find any of the people that can fix it. I really don't feel like going to school either, I'm too tired. I think I might be sick, cause after 5 minutes in a classroom, I fall asleep.. xD
Life's not as bad as I make it. I love it here and now. Of course, I do miss Wassenaar alot. I haven't been there for a year and I really wanna go back. Wish I could finish school there too, but this would be my senior year and that would be quite a challenge.
I miss just hanging out with friends after school, no worries. Wow, I'd love for that to ever happen again. I also miss being a kid. I miss being able to say anything and just seem cute. :P You didn't know alot about the world, the opportunities seemed neverending and you could own the world. Lets not forget the ultimate advantage. The grown-ups could answer your every question. Now we have to answer them ourselves. Solve our own problems. Think and experience, live our lives.
"It takes no time to fall in love,
but it takes you years to know what love is.."
- Life is wonderful - Jason Mraz
Why do parents pressure their kids so fucking much?
Which came first, the hen or the egg?
The last question took me less than 5 minutes to figure out. I don't see how people can call it a question without an answer. It's too simple. Anyone who's had sophmore biology can figure it out. The others are harder.
Today I had PE for the first time since school started. I had alot of fun and my teacher told me that, if I just kept on going and did well on tests, I could pull my grade up. Later, me and my friend went to the gym and worked out for 2 hours. I was so happy and had more energy than in a long time. When I got home, I told my dad about my PE-class. The first thing he said was, nice to see you make an effort. I worked so hard last year, but couldn't get my grade up. His comment brought me right down from my energy-boost. That kind of thing annoys me. Why can't he be supportive instead of critizizing? Blaah.
Otherwise, I've been double-booked for schools. I keep getting mails from teachers at another school. And, of course, I can't find any of the people that can fix it. I really don't feel like going to school either, I'm too tired. I think I might be sick, cause after 5 minutes in a classroom, I fall asleep.. xD
Life's not as bad as I make it. I love it here and now. Of course, I do miss Wassenaar alot. I haven't been there for a year and I really wanna go back. Wish I could finish school there too, but this would be my senior year and that would be quite a challenge.
I miss just hanging out with friends after school, no worries. Wow, I'd love for that to ever happen again. I also miss being a kid. I miss being able to say anything and just seem cute. :P You didn't know alot about the world, the opportunities seemed neverending and you could own the world. Lets not forget the ultimate advantage. The grown-ups could answer your every question. Now we have to answer them ourselves. Solve our own problems. Think and experience, live our lives.
"It takes no time to fall in love,
but it takes you years to know what love is.."
- Life is wonderful - Jason Mraz
lørdag 23. august 2008
School started and the world shifted
Wow, this week has been waay too hectic. I've been so tired, I've fallen asleep in almost every class. Then, I fall asleep when I get home. I'm exhausted! I don't even get why, the only thing I've done is start school. What a way to start school, huh? It's actually been alot of fun. I got all the classes I wanted and some of them seem like they're gonna be alot of fun. Math sucks though, but I'll get through it.^^
Today I realised I haven't seen some of my best friends in a week. It seems much longer. There's too much to do and not enough time to do it. I guess I'll have to try to meet up with them next week. Don't want them to slip away.. It seems as if the whole world just shifted while I was sleeping. I got a job, some of my friends are travelling to other parts of the world to go to school, I feel like I don't have any time off. Everyone's growing up, but I still feel like a middle schooler. I'm in my second year of high school (12th grade), but it sure doesn't feel like it. I'm gonna be 18 in 9 months. Wow. Scary. An adult. I sure don't look like one. And I sure as hell don't feel like one.
I got two more years of school. Then I can do whatever I want. I think I'm gonna travel. Gotta do something while I figure out what I'm gonna do with my life. Hmm, Asia sounds good, doesn't it?
Today I realised I haven't seen some of my best friends in a week. It seems much longer. There's too much to do and not enough time to do it. I guess I'll have to try to meet up with them next week. Don't want them to slip away.. It seems as if the whole world just shifted while I was sleeping. I got a job, some of my friends are travelling to other parts of the world to go to school, I feel like I don't have any time off. Everyone's growing up, but I still feel like a middle schooler. I'm in my second year of high school (12th grade), but it sure doesn't feel like it. I'm gonna be 18 in 9 months. Wow. Scary. An adult. I sure don't look like one. And I sure as hell don't feel like one.
I got two more years of school. Then I can do whatever I want. I think I'm gonna travel. Gotta do something while I figure out what I'm gonna do with my life. Hmm, Asia sounds good, doesn't it?
mandag 18. august 2008
B-e-a-utiful day
Okay, if you look through my blog-posts, I seem like a desperate and depressed person, don't I? I'm not really. That's just when I feel like writing.. xD Today I had a really good day actually. I got up at 8 o'clock, went to the gym at 9, school at 11 for halv an hour. Then I went to Nesbru with a friend of mine to meet her boyfriend and I took the train home from Sandvika. Then I met some friends in Asker and went to Tensing. Everyone behaved nicely and a couple of new folks showed up.
Wow, alot of uniteresting information.^^ It's weird how one day it feels like my whole world is collapsing, but another day everything is close to perfect. I love these days. It fuckin' B-E-A-UTIFUL!
"It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away"
- Beautiful day - U2
Wow, alot of uniteresting information.^^ It's weird how one day it feels like my whole world is collapsing, but another day everything is close to perfect. I love these days. It fuckin' B-E-A-UTIFUL!
"It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away"
- Beautiful day - U2
lørdag 16. august 2008
I wish..
I got in to the school I wanted, should've been happy, but instead I'm kind of dreading the first day of school. I think my best-friend is mad at me or something like that, but I don't know what to do about it..
What the fuck should I do about every little thing that happens? The smallest things could have the biggest impact on my life later, but what do I do when I'm standing right in the middle of it? I look back on stuff I've done and think, I should've done that differently, that would've changed things. I don't want to keep doing that.
I wish I would dare being myself. Instead I try to be the person the people around me want me to be. In my group of friends, I'm like the punching-bag who takes all the hits. My friends just see them as jokes, but every comment strikes me like a bullet to the chest. I just wanna scream: "CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" Of course, the only thing I do is sit there and take all the crap. That's another thing I wish I could do. I wish I could stand up for myself..
But I never do. My actual wish is that there was nothing about me that would set off jokes. I see people I look up to and admire. They go their own ways and do stuff that other people wouldn't do. I wish I could do that. Tell people how I really feel about stuff. Not make jokes about myself, cause I know other people are gonna say them sooner or later. Just be me. And be happy. Just live my life to the fullest, the way I want it to be..
What the fuck should I do about every little thing that happens? The smallest things could have the biggest impact on my life later, but what do I do when I'm standing right in the middle of it? I look back on stuff I've done and think, I should've done that differently, that would've changed things. I don't want to keep doing that.
I wish I would dare being myself. Instead I try to be the person the people around me want me to be. In my group of friends, I'm like the punching-bag who takes all the hits. My friends just see them as jokes, but every comment strikes me like a bullet to the chest. I just wanna scream: "CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" Of course, the only thing I do is sit there and take all the crap. That's another thing I wish I could do. I wish I could stand up for myself..
But I never do. My actual wish is that there was nothing about me that would set off jokes. I see people I look up to and admire. They go their own ways and do stuff that other people wouldn't do. I wish I could do that. Tell people how I really feel about stuff. Not make jokes about myself, cause I know other people are gonna say them sooner or later. Just be me. And be happy. Just live my life to the fullest, the way I want it to be..
onsdag 13. august 2008
Finally! A week till school and everything's working out. I got a job, got into school and my friends are back home with me. Just a couple of things left that I wish I could change.. I was in Prague at a YMCA festival for a week. It was alot of fun and I got to know alot of new people. I miss it already.. And I miss STARBUCKS!! Why can't they get one in Norway too? Reeeeaally enoying..
Well, I can't wait to start school and meet people I haven't seen since school ended. Want a new computer though.. Mine sucks xD Now I'm sitting here with two of my best friends and having fun. My life is almost complete.. (:
"I wish I tried a little bit harder.
Wish that I would bother."
- I Wish - August
Well, I can't wait to start school and meet people I haven't seen since school ended. Want a new computer though.. Mine sucks xD Now I'm sitting here with two of my best friends and having fun. My life is almost complete.. (:
"I wish I tried a little bit harder.
Wish that I would bother."
- I Wish - August
lørdag 26. juli 2008
Crete isn't too bad^^
Right now I'm sitting at a sucky "computer-station" at the hotel, just got out of my ruined sofa-bed in the apparments livingroom. But hey, I'm in Crete<3
We left from home at 3 am, so the night before I decided not to go to sleep. I talked to people on messenger the whole time, alot with one of my best friends. That one conversation made me happier than I've been for a while with all the stress around getting in to school and stuff. It just kind of all went away.. You're an angel, I love yah<3
Anyways, my family and I are here for a week. Before we got to the hotel, my parents told me we were staying at a golf resort up in the mountains. Luckily there's a pool, so all I do is lay on a sunbed with a Corona and listen to music. The evenings kind of suck though. It's me, my parents and my grandparents. Of course, my father and grandfather can't agree on anything and my mom and grandmother talk about the most uninteresting things. Mostly I pretend to listen and look up at the stars. It's amazing how many of them you can see when there's hardly any light around you..
And of course, the sunrises and sunsets are AMAZING! I think I'll have to move down here and get a Vespa, (that's my only wish, I reeaally want one! xD), and live to see the sunsets and stars while going clubbing on the weekends. Yeah, I'm such a dramatic dreamer.
We left from home at 3 am, so the night before I decided not to go to sleep. I talked to people on messenger the whole time, alot with one of my best friends. That one conversation made me happier than I've been for a while with all the stress around getting in to school and stuff. It just kind of all went away.. You're an angel, I love yah<3
Anyways, my family and I are here for a week. Before we got to the hotel, my parents told me we were staying at a golf resort up in the mountains. Luckily there's a pool, so all I do is lay on a sunbed with a Corona and listen to music. The evenings kind of suck though. It's me, my parents and my grandparents. Of course, my father and grandfather can't agree on anything and my mom and grandmother talk about the most uninteresting things. Mostly I pretend to listen and look up at the stars. It's amazing how many of them you can see when there's hardly any light around you..
And of course, the sunrises and sunsets are AMAZING! I think I'll have to move down here and get a Vespa, (that's my only wish, I reeaally want one! xD), and live to see the sunsets and stars while going clubbing on the weekends. Yeah, I'm such a dramatic dreamer.
tirsdag 22. juli 2008
Little, black, stupid cloud..
I don't feel like I have time for anything anymore. I feel I have to chose between friends and an education. I've dug a hole so deep I can't get out. And I miss the time when all I had to do was take a step out of a pit. I miss the joy I used to feel just dancing in front of a crowd or hanging out with my friends. There's like an anoying, big black cloud hanging over my head at the moment and whatever I do, it doesn't go away, lately it's just been growing.
So I don't know if I'm gonna get into a school. I don't know if we're going to Crete tomorrow or not. And I don't know if I'm gonna have my friends for the rest of my life. But I sure hope so. It looks like I'm stuck in a rut of bad luck. I just need something positive to happen so I can keep my hopes up. Something to break the chain of bad luck and turn it into a good one, make the dark cloud above my head a little smaller. Hopefully, one day, it'll be completly gone.
Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know
- Home, Michael Bublé
So I don't know if I'm gonna get into a school. I don't know if we're going to Crete tomorrow or not. And I don't know if I'm gonna have my friends for the rest of my life. But I sure hope so. It looks like I'm stuck in a rut of bad luck. I just need something positive to happen so I can keep my hopes up. Something to break the chain of bad luck and turn it into a good one, make the dark cloud above my head a little smaller. Hopefully, one day, it'll be completly gone.
Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know
- Home, Michael Bublé
tirsdag 15. juli 2008
Wish I could express myself through music..
What do you do when you can't explain your feeling to people? What would you do if you needed to explain something, but just couldn't find the words? This is what I feel like every singel day. I have so much to say, but I can't get it out, at least not in a way that makes sense to anyone else but me.
So what do you do when all of your thoughts are piling up and you can't get them out? I write mine down as poems, song lyrics or blogs. Music is, of course one of the things that affects me the most and reflects my mood. I wish I could express myself the way singers can through their songs. It's weird how you can read someone's personality just by listening to a song. That's one of the things I love about music.
Here's some phrases from different songs that make me feel better when I'm having bad days:
"I am walkin' on the edge, that's where I want to be.
And I need to know you'll catch me if I fall."
Walking on the Edge – Jon
"It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancing in the moonlight"
Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader
"When I fall in love I take my time
There's no need to hurry when I'm making up my mind"
The Remedy - Jason Mraz
"I never meant to cause you trouble,
And I never meant to do you wrong,
And I, well if I ever caused you trouble,
O no, I never meant to do you harm."
Trouble - Coldplay
"Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right"
Here comes the sun - The Beatles
"Dont worry
about a thing.
Cause every little thing
is gonna be allright."
Three little birds - Bob Marley
So what do you do when all of your thoughts are piling up and you can't get them out? I write mine down as poems, song lyrics or blogs. Music is, of course one of the things that affects me the most and reflects my mood. I wish I could express myself the way singers can through their songs. It's weird how you can read someone's personality just by listening to a song. That's one of the things I love about music.
Here's some phrases from different songs that make me feel better when I'm having bad days:
"I am walkin' on the edge, that's where I want to be.
And I need to know you'll catch me if I fall."
Walking on the Edge – Jon
"It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancing in the moonlight"
Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader
"When I fall in love I take my time
There's no need to hurry when I'm making up my mind"
The Remedy - Jason Mraz
"I never meant to cause you trouble,
And I never meant to do you wrong,
And I, well if I ever caused you trouble,
O no, I never meant to do you harm."
Trouble - Coldplay
"Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right"
Here comes the sun - The Beatles
"Dont worry
about a thing.
Cause every little thing
is gonna be allright."
Three little birds - Bob Marley
Sucky school system and missing friends
I got a text from the school district yesterday. The admission office had finalised who gets in to which schools. Pheeu. Finally. I could just log on and accept my spot..
So I logged on, and guess what. I'm on the waitinglist. I didn't get in! What the fuck do I do!? I hate the sucky school system in Norway. Of course, Mom freaked out and she's making me apply to all these privat schools.. Can someone kill me?
As if that wasn't enough, some of my best friends left yesterday too.. I'm not gonna see them till August and I miss them already! I hate not having my friends close. It makes me feel more alone than ever. I wake up in the morning and there's no one to call and ask «What's up?»..
Well, I guess I'll be waiting patiently till late July, cause that's when my friends get back and I find out if I get into a school or not..
"I've been waiting a long time
For this moment to come
I'm destined for anything at all.."
Waiting – Green Day
So I logged on, and guess what. I'm on the waitinglist. I didn't get in! What the fuck do I do!? I hate the sucky school system in Norway. Of course, Mom freaked out and she's making me apply to all these privat schools.. Can someone kill me?
As if that wasn't enough, some of my best friends left yesterday too.. I'm not gonna see them till August and I miss them already! I hate not having my friends close. It makes me feel more alone than ever. I wake up in the morning and there's no one to call and ask «What's up?»..
Well, I guess I'll be waiting patiently till late July, cause that's when my friends get back and I find out if I get into a school or not..
"I've been waiting a long time
For this moment to come
I'm destined for anything at all.."
Waiting – Green Day
søndag 13. juli 2008
When did it all get so complicated? Time just seems to disappear, I don't have time to do anything, not even think. I need to clear my head to see where I'm heading, but I can't find the time.
Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and undo what I did, but it went by so fast, and in the end, there's no time to fix it. I miss being a kid, with no problems or worries, that could just live life to the fullest. I think too much about everything and, sometimes, my brain just short-circuits and I end up doing some stupid things. It can make stuff I already messed up better, or it can ruin everthing. Well, we all have to live with our mistakes..
"It gets so complicated in my mind
And I don’t know why
It gets so complicated all the time
No matter how hard I try.."
- Complicated, Forty Deuce
Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and undo what I did, but it went by so fast, and in the end, there's no time to fix it. I miss being a kid, with no problems or worries, that could just live life to the fullest. I think too much about everything and, sometimes, my brain just short-circuits and I end up doing some stupid things. It can make stuff I already messed up better, or it can ruin everthing. Well, we all have to live with our mistakes..
"It gets so complicated in my mind
And I don’t know why
It gets so complicated all the time
No matter how hard I try.."
- Complicated, Forty Deuce
fredag 11. juli 2008
So, I'm sitting on the train.. Been on it for 2 hours, 5 more to go. Listening to my best companion, music, and looking out the window. I see trees, deep valleys, high mountain peaks, the ones furthest away covered in snow. Rivers slithering their way among the rocks. All of a sudden, there's a bald spot in this semi-perfect landscape. At the same time, I start noticing all the garbage littering the my view and all the roads and electrical lines. The beautiful sun isn't shining as brightly as it was, but hiding behind the big, ugly, grey clouds. It's like they're invading its space. Two random building-cranes..What are they doing there? What are we doing to our world? Then, total darkness. It feels cold and sad. It's another tunnel. Soon the mountains reappear. But will our world turn as cold and sad as the tunnels if we don't do anything soon?
I'm higher up in the mountains now. The snow's right next to me. I wish I could touch it. I see no garbage, roads or electrical lines. It's only me, my music and the beautiful sight of the mountains touching the plains, the plains covered in flowers stretching for the sky and the shy sun behind the clouds.
I'm higher up in the mountains now. The snow's right next to me. I wish I could touch it. I see no garbage, roads or electrical lines. It's only me, my music and the beautiful sight of the mountains touching the plains, the plains covered in flowers stretching for the sky and the shy sun behind the clouds.
torsdag 10. juli 2008
Welcome to my life
Hey y'all..
So my name's Kamilla, I live in Norway. And no, it's not the capitol of Sweden, it's the country next to it^^ I love music, and talking about everything and nothing at all. I'm 17, I go to school and I guess I'm just one of those normal people.. Yey..
So what do we have to do in this world to stand out or just become visible? And why are some people so freakin good at it and others suck? I'd like to know that secret.. Okay, right now I'm making myself look like a total loner without friends. Well, I have loving parents that aren't divorced, I have a great big sister who is also my best friend and biggest enemy, of course, and I have lots of caring friends. Well, sometimes I feel like I have everything I need. But there are other times where I feel like the loneliest person on earth. Like I'm missing something. Does that make any sense?
Wow, didn't this get a little too depressing? xD Well, there's my thoughts on things^^
"Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
and no one understands you.."
- Welcome to my life - Simple Plan
So my name's Kamilla, I live in Norway. And no, it's not the capitol of Sweden, it's the country next to it^^ I love music, and talking about everything and nothing at all. I'm 17, I go to school and I guess I'm just one of those normal people.. Yey..
So what do we have to do in this world to stand out or just become visible? And why are some people so freakin good at it and others suck? I'd like to know that secret.. Okay, right now I'm making myself look like a total loner without friends. Well, I have loving parents that aren't divorced, I have a great big sister who is also my best friend and biggest enemy, of course, and I have lots of caring friends. Well, sometimes I feel like I have everything I need. But there are other times where I feel like the loneliest person on earth. Like I'm missing something. Does that make any sense?
Wow, didn't this get a little too depressing? xD Well, there's my thoughts on things^^
"Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
and no one understands you.."
- Welcome to my life - Simple Plan
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