torsdag 28. august 2008

Digg dag

Idag har vært en digg dag. Slutta tidlig, dro til Nesbru, sa ifra at jeg "ikke er en elev ved denne skolen", møtte gamle kjente, dro til sandvika, så på en utrolig rar "Karnevalparade" med SFO-unger. Var en tur på Helgerudgården. Hvordan kan det som var Sandvikas største kjøpesenter før, ikke ha doer? Ærlig talt, én do på hele jævla stedet. Bra gjort. Ellers har jeg lest ut en bok, ett par blogger, lært meg Life is Wonderful på gitar og hørt på mye musikk. Fått webkamera på pcen til å funke også. Utrolig deilig. Det må bli flere sånne dager hvor alt jeg egentlig gjør er å slappe av. Nam^^

Jeg skifta på bussen. Jeg kjøpte meg en ny topp og ville gå med den. Midt i skiftingen er det en som setter seg på bussraden ved siden av meg. Og stirrer. Merkelige mennesker man møter i verden. Det må han ha tenkt også mens jeg dro toppen min av beina mine. Det er gøy å se rar ut.
Så satt jeg der. Med kaffe og musikk. Nam^^

Det gikk ikke opp for meg før nå at jeg skrev norsk. Hvorfor skjer det med meg hele tiden? Og bare for å ha sagt det, bokmål og ny-norsk er IKKE det samme. Aargh, utrolig irriterende, jeg liker ikke norsk. Eller, jeg liker ikke FAGET norsk. Hvorfor skal jeg bli bedømt i noe jeg er utrolig dårlig i? Urettferdig skolesystem, men det vet vel de fleste fra før av.

Nå skal jeg gå å sette meg med musikken min, spille Life is wonderful på gitar og slappe av.. Eller sove. Spørs om jeg er trøtt eller ikke.
Wow, jeg må kutte ned på koffeinen.

tirsdag 26. august 2008

Questions are hard to answer

How do you mess up your education?
Why do parents pressure their kids so fucking much?
Which came first, the hen or the egg?
The last question took me less than 5 minutes to figure out. I don't see how people can call it a question without an answer. It's too simple. Anyone who's had sophmore biology can figure it out. The others are harder.

Today I had PE for the first time since school started. I had alot of fun and my teacher told me that, if I just kept on going and did well on tests, I could pull my grade up. Later, me and my friend went to the gym and worked out for 2 hours. I was so happy and had more energy than in a long time. When I got home, I told my dad about my PE-class. The first thing he said was, nice to see you make an effort. I worked so hard last year, but couldn't get my grade up. His comment brought me right down from my energy-boost. That kind of thing annoys me. Why can't he be supportive instead of critizizing? Blaah.

Otherwise, I've been double-booked for schools. I keep getting mails from teachers at another school. And, of course, I can't find any of the people that can fix it. I really don't feel like going to school either, I'm too tired. I think I might be sick, cause after 5 minutes in a classroom, I fall asleep.. xD

Life's not as bad as I make it. I love it here and now. Of course, I do miss Wassenaar alot. I haven't been there for a year and I really wanna go back. Wish I could finish school there too, but this would be my senior year and that would be quite a challenge.

I miss just hanging out with friends after school, no worries.
Wow, I'd love for that to ever happen again. I also miss being a kid. I miss being able to say anything and just seem cute. :P You didn't know alot about the world, the opportunities seemed neverending and you could own the world. Lets not forget the ultimate advantage. The grown-ups could answer your every question. Now we have to answer them ourselves. Solve our own problems. Think and experience, live our lives.

"It takes no time to fall in love,
but it takes you years to know what love is.."
- Life is wonderful - Jason Mraz

lørdag 23. august 2008

School started and the world shifted

Wow, this week has been waay too hectic. I've been so tired, I've fallen asleep in almost every class. Then, I fall asleep when I get home. I'm exhausted! I don't even get why, the only thing I've done is start school. What a way to start school, huh? It's actually been alot of fun. I got all the classes I wanted and some of them seem like they're gonna be alot of fun. Math sucks though, but I'll get through it.^^

Today I realised I haven't seen some of my best friends in a week. It seems much longer. There's too much to do and not enough time to do it. I guess I'll have to try to meet up with them next week. Don't want them to slip away.. It seems as if the whole world just shifted while I was sleeping. I got a job, some of my friends are travelling to other parts of the world to go to school,
I feel like I don't have any time off. Everyone's growing up, but I still feel like a middle schooler. I'm in my second year of high school (12th grade), but it sure doesn't feel like it. I'm gonna be 18 in 9 months. Wow. Scary. An adult. I sure don't look like one. And I sure as hell don't feel like one.

I got two more years of school. Then I can do whatever I want. I think I'm gonna travel. Gotta do something while I figure out what I'm gonna do with my life. Hmm, Asia sounds good, doesn't it?

mandag 18. august 2008

B-e-a-utiful day

Okay, if you look through my blog-posts, I seem like a desperate and depressed person, don't I? I'm not really. That's just when I feel like writing.. xD Today I had a really good day actually. I got up at 8 o'clock, went to the gym at 9, school at 11 for halv an hour. Then I went to Nesbru with a friend of mine to meet her boyfriend and I took the train home from Sandvika. Then I met some friends in Asker and went to Tensing. Everyone behaved nicely and a couple of new folks showed up.

Wow, alot of uniteresting information.^^ It's weird how one day it feels like my whole world is collapsing, but another day everything is close to perfect. I love these days. It fuckin' B-E-A-UTIFUL!

"It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away"
- Beautiful day - U2

lørdag 16. august 2008

I wish..

I got in to the school I wanted, should've been happy, but instead I'm kind of dreading the first day of school. I think my best-friend is mad at me or something like that, but I don't know what to do about it..

What the fuck should I do about every little thing that happens? The smallest things could have the biggest impact on my life later, but what do I do when I'm standing right in the middle of it? I look back on stuff I've done and think, I should've done that differently, that would've changed things. I don't want to keep doing that.

I wish I would dare being myself. Instead I try to be the person the people around me want me to be. In my group of friends, I'm like the punching-bag who takes all the hits. My friends just see them as jokes, but every comment strikes me like a bullet to the chest. I just wanna scream: "CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" Of course, the only thing I do is sit there and take all the crap. That's another thing I wish I could do. I wish I could stand up for myself..

But I never do. My actual wish is that there was nothing about me that would set off jokes. I see people I look up to and admire. They go their own ways and do stuff that other people wouldn't do. I wish I could do that. Tell people how I really feel about stuff. Not make jokes about myself, cause I know other people are gonna say them sooner or later. Just be me. And be happy. Just live my life to the fullest, the way I want it to be..

onsdag 13. august 2008

Finally! A week till school and everything's working out. I got a job, got into school and my friends are back home with me. Just a couple of things left that I wish I could change.. I was in Prague at a YMCA festival for a week. It was alot of fun and I got to know alot of new people. I miss it already.. And I miss STARBUCKS!! Why can't they get one in Norway too? Reeeeaally enoying..
Well, I can't wait to start school and meet people I haven't seen since school ended. Want a new computer though.. Mine sucks xD Now I'm sitting here with two of my best friends and having fun. My life is almost complete.. (:

"I wish I tried a little bit harder.
Wish that I would bother."
- I Wish - August