lørdag 23. august 2008

School started and the world shifted

Wow, this week has been waay too hectic. I've been so tired, I've fallen asleep in almost every class. Then, I fall asleep when I get home. I'm exhausted! I don't even get why, the only thing I've done is start school. What a way to start school, huh? It's actually been alot of fun. I got all the classes I wanted and some of them seem like they're gonna be alot of fun. Math sucks though, but I'll get through it.^^

Today I realised I haven't seen some of my best friends in a week. It seems much longer. There's too much to do and not enough time to do it. I guess I'll have to try to meet up with them next week. Don't want them to slip away.. It seems as if the whole world just shifted while I was sleeping. I got a job, some of my friends are travelling to other parts of the world to go to school,
I feel like I don't have any time off. Everyone's growing up, but I still feel like a middle schooler. I'm in my second year of high school (12th grade), but it sure doesn't feel like it. I'm gonna be 18 in 9 months. Wow. Scary. An adult. I sure don't look like one. And I sure as hell don't feel like one.

I got two more years of school. Then I can do whatever I want. I think I'm gonna travel. Gotta do something while I figure out what I'm gonna do with my life. Hmm, Asia sounds good, doesn't it?

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